SUGGESTIONS Please, send me suggestions and comments about MacBooz: Michael Niehaus Rural Route 1 Box 369 Ferdinand, IN 47532 UUCP: Copyright 1990 by Michael Niehaus. This program may be distributed freely. TEXT CONVERSION MacBooz can convert text files from Unix/VMS formats to Macintosh format. Select the option in the Conversion menu. TEXT FILES Files extracted by MacBooz are saved with a creator of 'MWII' and a type of 'TEXT'. DOWNLOADING AN ARCHIVE FILE Zoo archive files must be downloaded in Binary mode. Control characters are likely in the files. VMS Zoo files must be converted with BILF on the VMS system before being downloaded. See the BILF documentation for more info. OPENING AN ARCHIVE MacBooz checks the format of all opened files to make sure that they are valid Zoo files. MacBooz uses a file type of 'Zoo ' and a creator of 'Booz'. Double clicking on a file with these types will start up MacBooz and open the file. SELECTION DIALOG This dialog takes the concept of wildcard selections and brings it to the Macintosh. Unix-style wildcards are used. For example: A10*.? would select all files starting with "A10" and ending with a single character extension. GENERAL INFORMATION This program is based on Rahul Dhesi's Zoo archive format and Booz archive extraction program, widely used on Unix, MS-DOS, Amiga, and VMS systems. This version, MacBooz 2.1, was written by Michael Niehaus at Ball State University.